“It is - in connection with - matter that we understand our place in the world ”

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Designing and questioning ~ material, ecological, experiential and relational realities.

#embodied relating #eco-spatial poetics #necro-ecology

Within her practice Rosalie Bak uses methodes such as erasure, assemblage, inquiry, scores, trance writing and associative drawing to investigate the ambiguity of (her) personal experience and the relationship between the human, weather, micro-organisms, death and nature. In doing so she views the ‘collage’ as a theme, enabling her to bring forth and include all entanglements, both in the physical realm as in terms of concepts and ideas. Her current work is mainly experiential and collaborative in nature, working with the walk as a way of mapping, exploring the field of Necro-Ecology as a deepening paradigm within the field Bio-design and sustainable developments and investigating Haptonomie with it’s embodied and tactile ways of relating.

Being trained as a product designer her studio-work and tutoring focuses on material development, experimentation and developing and sharing modes of non-practice/practice. Spinning the involvement of both scientist, ecologist and therapists - as wel as students, citizens, artists and movers. Weaving ideas and project freely between institutions and structures.

Her body- and phycsical-first approach leads to a practice which is experimental in nature and involves tangible making and touch as vehicle for innovation and making meaning.

Rosalie studied at the Utrecht School of Product Design - where she holds a bachelor degree in ‘vrije vormgeving’ (free design). Her projects have been supported by the likes of Stimuleringsfond Creatieve Industrie and Sunday Morning EKWC, and by means of a successful crowdfunding campaign via Voor de Kunst - with additional support of VSB Fonds and Bankgiroloterij.

She is currently enrolled at the Academy for Haptonomie in Doorn - where she, after finishing the personal development course, completed the basic year Haptonomie and is now studying haptotherapy ~ a 4 year trajectory dedicated to the therapeutic practice of Haptonomie; on the phenomenology of touch, while being in contact with all that is, and is around, you.

Together with Susanne Duijvestein she is the co-founder of De humusator.org an open platform investigating the composting of human remains as a alternative, circulair burial practice and vehicle for meaningful conversations about death and temporality.

sustainable death design / bio fabrication / material development / research / consultancy / teaching / writing / communication / site-specifics / fieldwork / workshops / eco-spatial poetics / haptonomy